Seven Struggles That Writers Face

Writing isn’t easy.  It’s an uphill climb, but it is so rewarding in the end.  It allows us to express the creative sides of ourselves, and to create new worlds for readers to immerse themselves in.

I love writing. (Obviously)  But my writing life isn’t perfect so today I’m going to share with you struggles that all writers face.  (Including me)

Unintentionally falling into the dreaded writing cliches.

Trying to find the perfect time of the day to write.

Ugh.  Sometimes it is just so hard to find time for writing.

Editing.  ANYTHING.

I hate editing.  When editing, we basically have to tear our novels apart and then start over.  It’s tedious and sometimes I find myself thinking that my novel is bland and not even well written.  It’s frustrating, but necessary.

Having lots to say, but not being able to write down what you feel so that you can express yourself.

This makes me CRAZY.  Enough said.

Coming up with a brilliant idea.  Not writing it down.  Then forgetting it.

Why do all the good ideas happen when pen and paper are not available?

Seemingly endless procrastinating.

Now, how did I end up on Youtube again?

Struggling to find the perfect title for your novel.

It is so hard to find the perfect title for your novel.  I want my title to be memorable while it remains descriptive of my book’s content.  And I also want it to be something that is not overused.  And with so many books out there, it is hard.  I still haven’t found the perfect title for one of my novels!

So that’s it for today.

What struggles do you face as a writer?



9 thoughts on “Seven Struggles That Writers Face

  1. Shadow Summit says:

    All true! I have struggled with most of these. I’d also add in, “When You’ve written the start and the end but then your mind goes blank when you try to write the middle… I.e one of the most important parts. 😦 ” Well at least for me that’s a problem. XD

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Angelica (TheBookCoverGirls) says:

    My greatest problem is procrastination. I start writing and then twenty minutes later I’m watching cat videos on YouTube. Also writing the middle. I know point A and I know pony B. What happens in between? I’ll have to stop procrastinating to find out lol. Great post by the way!

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    • creativeminds101blog says:

      I have been working on comparing myself to other writers, and honestly it is a hard habit to break. But I’m getting there. And lol, I have a notebook filled with story ideas that I will probably never get to. Thanks for sharing, Akaluv!

      Liked by 1 person

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